"It's time. I'm getting out of here." Aeg stood up, pushed away the fluff from around him, and turned to the window. Shelli stared at him in shock, frozen in place. "Why now? Its about to begin!" "Its the perfect time. They'll never see me going." Outside, the hollow...
The Death Con: A Tale of Egos, Embarrassingly Scanty Security, and the Greatest Theft in History?
Lying there, gems scattered on the floor, amid pools of my blood... I realized something. There's a surprising secret to being the greatest thief who ever lived. It's this: you don't have to be that good. In fact, you can be absolutely average. It's your mark who...
The Unknown Dark & the Naming of the First King
Winifred eased herself down onto a pillowed bench. More like collapsed, she thought, biting back a gasp. She was heavily pregnant, and exhausted from being on her feet all day, wearing the heavy brocade, silk cloaks, and stiff silver crown. She had a half hour to...
Once Upon an End: How the Seeker found a new name
He had reached the End of the world… and even come back from it. There he had expected to find monsters with torturous tentacles splayed on cliffs, or perhaps bleak beasts of shadow that filled the horizon with occult mists, or perhaps a spiralling hole into heaven’s emptiness. But he didn’t find that.
Sitting in a quiet room | Writing exercise
It's a weird sense. A strange sense. Walking into a silent room, a silent house, surrounding by a silent town. Wrapped in quiet fields. No internet. None of the ADHD hum and click and swish and swipe of a network, or of social media. No notifications. Sitting down on...
The Mysteries of the Rosary as a 5-Stage Hero’s Journey
The Mysteries of the Rosary retold from the point of view of the Hero’s Journey, focusing on the theme of Transformation through 20 steps of choice and act.
Fra Angelico & the Watchmaker’s Daughter
Fra Angelico is interrupted during Lauds to receive a mysterious child. He is then taken on a midnight Christmas visit to rescue a lost, little girl.
Fra Angelico & the Armor of Alliance
Ready to crash from exhaustion, Fra Angelico’s guardian angel takes him on a mission to Mt. Carmel, then to the Forges in Angelium, and lastly to Aylesford.
Fra Angelico & the Centurion’s Servant
Interrupted in his chores, Fra Angelico returns to Roman Israel for healing waters, and then flies to Capernaum in time to heal the centurion’s servant.
Why a Catholic Author Lives in the Colonies, not the Sanctuary
Good fiction has to be real, with real people, brokenness and sin, otherwise how else is any exploration of redemption possible? Some thoughts on a photo.
Fra Angelico & the Miracle of the Roses
Right in the middle of his painting, Fra Angelico’s guardian angel hastens him to Hungary, there to work a mid-winter miracle with roses for a young queen.
Fra Angelico & the Angelic Bread
Fra Angelico is taken through an angelic doorway to bake bread for a community of starving friars. He doesn’t realize who it is he’s helping until later.